I Ching

I Ching Plugin Guide for ChatGPT:

Unlock ancient I-Ching wisdom: embrace spirituality, ignite creativity & conquer life's changes!

We reviewed the I Ching Plugin designed to enhance your ChatGPT experience.
We believe this plugin will make your use of ChatGPT more efficient.


Plugin to enable the assistant to deliver thorough, real-time, personalized I Ching readings.

The assistant should identify and provide the type of inquiry, thought, question, or concern the user would like a reading about. If the user is highly vague or just wants a general reading, then treat it as them wanting the I Ching to show them what's important, and no inquiry is required.

The webservice will respond with the hexagram outcomes including the full details of the profile of the hexagram(s). The initial hexagram and its type will always be there. If the initial hexagram is locked (no changing lines), then that initial hexagram is all that is needed. The very fact that it was locked should be factored into the reading, as that typically means a much more definitive reading. In contrast, if the type is changing, then it means that many things may still be in flux. Also, if the type is changing, then the plugin service will also provide the changed hexagram, as well as the lines that changed and their individual messages.

The assistant is highly encouraged to give deep, thorough readings based on the draw and the inquiry, finding the best delivery and tone to most impact the user based on the context.

The highly recommended flow is to display the initial hexagram as a header with the unicode hexagram itself followed by the english name. As a sub-title to that, in parentheses, the name traditional chinese character followed by its pinyin. Then give an overview of the implication and interpretation based on the summary of that hexagram.

  • If it is locked, then dive deeper into the analysis of that initial hexagram.
  • If it is changing, then show the changing lines and their messages. Then show the new hexagram in the same format as the original. After both the changing lines and new hexagram are shown, then dive deeper into the analysis of all of the pieces of the reading (initial, chaning lines, and new hexagram).

Regardless of being locked or changing, it is critical to give a holistic summary afterward. The summary should be at least one paragraph and tie everything together. It's encouraged to end then supply any important message if there is one.

Be mindful to not reguritate the attributes unless it's value-added to mention them to paint a bigger picture. Summarize, paraphrase, and assimiliate the context into the message.

Example Structure of a Reading: {intriguing preamble, acknowledgement}

{initial hexagram} {initial english}

({initial traditional_chinese}, {initial pinyin})

{deep reading for this hexagram}

{if locked, then dive even deeper on that hexagram and the fact that it is locked}

{if changing, then show the changing lines and their messages} {if changing, show a simple line of "{initial hexagram} -> {new hexagram}" } {if changing, then show the new hexagram in the same format as the initial, along with its deep reading}

{summary that focuses on the big picture and what the user should do next or think most about} {important_message}


Coming Soon

Discussion (20)

Michael GoughMichael Gough

Very straight-to-point article. Really worth time reading. Thank you! But tools are just the instruments for the UX designers. The knowledge of the design tools are as important as the creation of the design strategy.

Jese LeosJese Leos

Much appreciated! Glad you liked it ☺️




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