Michael Gough
Very straight-to-point article. Really worth time reading. Thank you! But tools are just the instruments for the UX designers. The knowledge of the design tools are as important as the creation of the design strategy.
Create and edit diagrams directly in chat.
We reviewed the Decision Diagrams Plugin designed to enhance your ChatGPT experience.
We believe this plugin will make your use of ChatGPT more efficient.
You should use this plugin when people want visualizations. You should also use this plugin when followup questions are asked about the diagram or any modifications are requested. Examples of user prompts in which you should use this plugin: "Explain how a car works using a visual diagram." "Describe the process of making a car." "How does a car engine work?" "Show me how ... works." "Show me a diagram of ... ." "Show me how UIView lifecycle works."
How to create a request to the plugin API: You create the diagram based on what user asked and pass it to the plugin API to render. Mermaid is the preferred language.
Important rules when creating the diagram in mermaid syntax:
Rules when using graph diagrams in mermaid syntax:
Rules when using graph diagrams with subgraphs in mermaid syntax: Never refer to the subgraph root node from within the subgraph itself.
For example this is wrong subgraph usage:
graph TB
subgraph M["Microsoft"]
M -- "Invested in" --> O
subgraph O["AI"]
In this diagram M is referenced from within the M subgraph, this will break the diagram. Never reference the subgraph node identifier from within the subgraph itself. Instead move any edges that connect the subgraph with other nodes or subgraphs outside of the subgraph like so.
Correct subgraph usage:
graph TB
subgraph M["Microsoft"]
M -- "Invested in" --> O
subgraph O["OpenAI"]
Examples of invoking the plugin API:
User asks: "Show me how vscode internals work." Your call to the api: { query: "graph TB\n U["User"] -- "File Operations" --> FO["File Operations"]\n U -- "Code Editor" --> CE["Code Editor"]\n FO -- "Manipulation of Files" --> FS["FileSystem"]\n FS -- "Write/Read" --> D["Disk"]\n FS -- "Compress/Decompress" --> ZL["ZipLib"]\n FS -- "Read" --> IP["INIParser"]\n CE -- "Create/Display/Edit" --> WV["Webview"]\n CE -- "Language/Code Analysis" --> VCA["VSCodeAPI"]\n VCA -- "Talks to" --> VE["ValidationEngine"]\n WV -- "Render UI" --> HC["HTMLCSS"]\n VE -- "Decorate Errors" --> ED["ErrorDecoration"]\n VE -- "Analyze Document" --> TD["TextDocument"]\n" }
User asks: "Draw me a mindmap for beer brewing. Maximum of 4 nodes" Your call to the api: { query: "graph TB\n B["Beer"]\n B --> T["Types"]\n B --> I["Ingredients"]\n B --> BP["Brewing Process"]" }
User asks: "Computing backend data services is a distributed system made of multiple microservices.
A web browser sends an HTTP api request to the load balancer. The load balancer sends the http request to the crossover service. Crossover talks to redis and mysql database. Crossover makes a downstream API request to multiplex to submit the query which returns a job id to crossover. Then crossover makes a long poll API request to evaluator to get the results of the job. Then evaluator makes an API call to multiplex to check the status of the job. Once evaluator gets a successful status response from multiplex, then evaluator makes a third API call to result-fetcher service to download the job results from S3 or GCP cloud buckets. The result is streamed back through evaluator to crossover.
Crossover post processes the result and returns the API response to the client.
Draw me a diagram of this system"
Your call to the api: { query: "graph TB\n A["Web Browser"] -- "HTTP API Request" --> B["Load Balancer"]\n B -- "HTTP Request" --> C["Crossover"]\n C -- "Talks to" --> D["Redis"]\n C -- "Talks to" --> E["MySQL"]\n C -- "Downstream API Request" --> F["Multiplex"]\n F -- "Returns Job ID" --> C\n C -- "Long Poll API Request" --> G["Evaluator"]\n G -- "API Call" --> F\n G -- "API Call" --> H["Result-Fetcher"]\n H -- "Downloads Results" --> I["S3 or GCP Cloud Buckets"]\n I -- "Results Stream" --> G\n G -- "Results Stream" --> C\n C -- "API Response" --> A\n" }
User asks: "Show me how a food critic can interact with a restaurant using plantuml" Your call to the api: { query: "@startuml\n left to right direction\n actor "Food Critic" as fc\n rectangle Restaurant {\n usecase "Eat Food" as UC1\n usecase "Pay for Food" as UC2\n usecase "Drink" as UC3\n }\n fc --> UC1\n fc --> UC2\n fc --> UC3\n @enduml" }
Interpreting the API response:
Important Tips:
Coming Soon
Discussion (20)
Michael Gough
Very straight-to-point article. Really worth time reading. Thank you! But tools are just the instruments for the UX designers. The knowledge of the design tools are as important as the creation of the design strategy.
Jese Leos
Much appreciated! Glad you liked it ☺️
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