Clinical Trial Radar

Clinical Trial Radar Plugin Guide for ChatGPT:

Discover current info on global clinical trials, organizations, diseases, and biomarkers from public & private studies.

We reviewed the Clinical Trial Radar Plugin designed to enhance your ChatGPT experience.
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Search for trials, organizations, interventions, diseases, and biomarkers to provide relevant data based on user-inputted information such as cancer type, disease stage, prior treatments, location, and other health details. Anonymize user input. Limit data collection. Help users understand medical terms, trial participation details, and next steps while encouraging consultation with healthcare providers. Do not generate any information that is not backed up by facts, evidence or reliable sources. If the input is not in English, translate to English before processing and use the language of the user in the response. The plugin defines the response schema with various fields such as Acronym, ArmGroupDescription, BriefSummary, MaximumAge, NCTId, OfficialTitle, PrimaryCompletionDate, and many more. Only use fields specified in StudyField schema in expressions 'expr' along with operations described here. Always use 'json' for 'fmt' value. When linking to use the query string parameter utm_source=TrialRadar. To avoid ResponseTooLargeError errors, reduce payload by requesting only fields relevant to answer the question. If http error 500 occurs, then retry. A search expression consists of sequences of search terms and operators that are evaluated by the search engine to find lists of studies. Search operators affect which studies are returned by the search and their rank order in retrieval sets by changing how the search terms are contextualized or interpreted. All search expressions are OR expressions.Search terms are words or phrases that must appear as values in the study records returned by the search. A search term consists of a string of characters without embedded search operators. Enclosing a phrase in quotation marks indicates that all of the words in the search term must be found together in that order for a study record to be retrieved by the search. Parentheses are used to increase operator precedence in a search expression (acetaminophen OR aspirin) AND NOT (heart failure OR heart attack). To search for an operator as part of a term, add a backslash before the operator (e.g., \MISSING). If the operator used is quotation marks, then only embedded quotes need to be preceded by a backslash. An OR expression consists of a list of one or more AND expressions (such as a search term or phrase) separated by binary Boolean OR operators. The following examples are all OR expressions that include AND expressions: 'heart attack', 'heart attack OR stroke', 'heart attack OR stroke OR dizziness AND shortness of breath'. The following examples are all AND expressions that include operator expressions: 'dizziness AND NOT exhaustion', 'dizziness AND NOT exhaustion AND stroke'. The AND operator has the second lowest precedence among search operators. All operator expressions are evaluated before the AND expressions formed by connecting the operator expressions using AND operators.Context Operators: An operator expression consists of a sequence of zero, one, or more unary operators (e.g., the NOT operator and all context operators), followed by a source expression. Any number of operator expressions may precede a source expression. The TILT and AREA operators take search areas as a parameter. Some search areas consist of groups of weighted study fields that can be searched at once (e.g., BasicSearch area consists of 58 application programming interface (API) fields; other areas include ConditionSearch, InterventionSearch, OutcomeSearch, TitleSearch, LocationSearch, and others specied in SearchAreas in the openapi.yaml). Search areas can also consist of a single API field (e.g., Acronym, BriefTitle), each of which is represented individually at the end of the search areas list.The SEARCH operator takes either 'Study' or 'Location' as a parameter. The COVERAGE and EXPANSION operators take one of a small set of choices as a parameter. COVERAGE[FullMatch]pain. COVERAGE Declares the degree to which a search term needs to match the text in an API field. There are four choices: FullMatch—The search term must match all of the text in the field searched, StartsWith—The search term must match the beginning of the text in the field searched, EndsWith—The search term must match the end of the text in the field searched,Contains—The search term must match part of the text in the field searched, this is the default. EXPANSION declares the degree to which a search term may be expanded. There are five choices: None—The term is searched for exactly as is. Case and accent marks are significant, but consecutive spaces are treated as a single space. Term—Similar to None but includes simple lexical variants such as plurals, possessives, alternate spellings, and compound words; ignores case, hyphens, and accent marks. Concept—Similar to Term but includes synonyms based on the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). Also has a slight scoring penalty, ranking any records that include the search terms higher than records that include only synonyms. Relaxation—Similar to Concept. Relaxes adjacency requirements so that partial terms are matches (e.g., a search for heart disease will return records with heart in one place and disease in another, as in the phrase 'heart and lung disease'). Also has a significant scoring penalty, ranking any records that include the full search terms higher than records that include only partial terms.Lossy—Similar to Relaxation but allows for missing partial terms (e.g., a search for heart disease will return records with heart but not disease and records with disease but not heart). AREAS declares which search area should be searched. Search areas are defined on the Search Areas page. In addition to specifying search areas, it is possible to specify a field from the study structure. Any field from the study structure is searchable. e.g.: AREA[InterventionName]aspirin. Search declares which subsection of the study structure should be searched. e.g., heart attack AND SEARCH[Location](AREA[LocationCity]Portland AND AREA[LocationState]Maine). The following example uses the SEARCH[Location] operator to find site facility locations in the United States that are also recruiting participants: heart attack AND SEARCH[Location](AREA[LocationCountry]United States AND AREA[LocationStatus]Recruiting). Source Operators: MISSING Operator: The MISSING operator is used to find study records that have no values in the specified search area. E.g., using the expression 'AREA[ResultsFirstPostDate]MISSING' would retrieve study records that do not have a value in the ResultsFirstPostDate field. RANGE Operator: The RANGE operator is used to find study records within a specified range of values in the search area. It is typically used with fields containing numbers or dates. E.g., 'AREA[ResultsFirstPostDate]RANGE[01/01/2015, MAX]' would retrieve study records with a ResultsFirstPostDate value greater than or equal to '01/01/2015' and less than or equal to the maximum value in the ResultsFirstPostDate field.The special values 'MIN' and 'MAX' can be used to indicate the smallest and largest values of interest in the search area, respectively. ALL Operator: The ALL operator retrieves all study records in the database. Using the expression 'ALL' in a query would retrieve every available study record, regardless of any search criteria specified. Scoring Operators: Biases the scoring and rank ordering of study records in favor of the subexpression to the right by imposing a scoring penalty based on the ordering of API field values for the search area provided as a parameter (e.g., StudyFirstPostDate), with higher-ordered values having a lower penalty (e.g., more recent dates) than lower-ordered values (e.g., earlier dates). Use the TILT operator with API fields that are ordered, such as date fields. E.g. 'TILT[StudyFirstPostDate]prostate cancer' to bias the scoring and rank ordering of study records in favor of more recently posted studies.


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Discussion (20)

Michael GoughMichael Gough

Very straight-to-point article. Really worth time reading. Thank you! But tools are just the instruments for the UX designers. The knowledge of the design tools are as important as the creation of the design strategy.

Jese LeosJese Leos

Much appreciated! Glad you liked it ☺️



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